Leg (Feet) Tattoos

Leg (Feet) Tattoos

Everyone knows that today's society is considering a tattoo exclusively as original and fashionable jewelry. Of course, some attention is paid to its symbolism and meaning, but still remains the primary value of a beautiful picture. And fl th respect that formed, largely to blame women. They at one time, as it were "stolen" from the male tattoo customs and turned it into a familiar and often meaningless decoration. In other matters, this has its advantages. It is their improvisation and creative approach to this method of decorating the body was tattooed full art. Thanks to their aspiration and development appeared and became popular very many tattoos on different parts of the body. example, consider tattoo lettering on foot .

Who, if women could not think of doing a tattoo on his feet . Perhaps it is because of beautiful legs - it's one of the main charms of the female body. So why not decorate their tattoo. And thus emphasize their sexuality and originality. Show your courage, good taste and the ability to feel the beauty.

You can select some of the most suitable and the most popular areas for tattoos no leg:

First, it is an area outside of the thigh (the largest area on foot), it provides an opportunity to place on it a relatively extensive drawings. Here are well suited black and white patterns or composition of colors . Best thing to do longitudinal tattoo on the entire length of the thigh and knee. Not rarely use transitions from the tattoo on her hip on the side of the torso.

The second area is a known gap between the knee and foot, and specifically - the zone of the gastrocnemius muscle. It is smaller and more practical than the previous one. But it very well looked small. And, compared with the thigh, it is not uncommon in demand and male representatives.

The third is a popular area, this foot. And, perhaps, a tattoo on the area and there are the most common among women of all tattoos on his feet. That tattoo inscriptions often on foot , on its top and side. Use symbols of English and  Latin . Just look beautiful on the foot of speech and expression in Arabic. Sometimes write whole sentences, but in small letters.

Photo tattoo inscriptions on foot can be found on our website. Here are the most beautiful, popular and  original tattoo on his feet.
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Posted by admin, Published at 11:17 AM